Form:SRP Natural Hone Submission Form

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This is the 'SRP NATURAL Hone Database Submission Form' for hones.

Which details of your hone should go into the HDB?


Please only add hones with images, keeping in mind our copyright policy. Do not use images other than your own, unless you have the owner's written permission to do so.

Hone features

While we provide a number of standard hone characteristics fields, there are others you may wish to make a note of. For example, what kinds of steel is the hone best suited to, does the hone load quickly, is it rare or readily available, and so on. Please add this additional information in the space provided at the end of the form.

Name: Short term please.
Provenance: Which country it comes from.
Model: Bench hone, on a stand, combination hone.
Dimensions: Please enter in inches or centimeters: length width, depth. Please include the unit of measurement.
Grit Size: Please clearly state whether you entered the grit size in FEPA or JIS.
Cutting Speed: Does it cut quickly, or do you need a hundred strokes?
Feedback: What tactile or auditory cues does the stone give when honing?
Lapping: How frequently does the hone need lapping?
Soaking: Does the hone require soaking prior to use?
Geology: Slate, Sediment, Crystalline, or other.
Hardness: Use the Mohs Scale to give us an idea about the hardness.
Chips: The way it breaks.
Slurry: What color?
Image: upload a good crisp picture without decoration please.